Today’s Posting

Sturgeon, Green Corn Moon
Aquarius Full Moon
8/19/24 2:26 pm EDT
28 degrees Aquarius Moon/Leo Sun

Health: circulation, nerves, eyes, calf muscles, ankles, cramps, veins, Heart, spine, Magnesium is very important for all heart and muscle functions.

Focus: Friends, Humanitarianism, Eccentricity, Technology, Inventions, Unexpected surprises, networking.

Challenges: Aloof emotions, Fear of commitment, Opinionated, Disrupting, Lack of compassion, Need for chaos, Authoritarianism,
Crystals: For the Leo Sun, use Citrine, Tigers Eye and Carnelian to get your energy and stamina vibrant.
For the Aquarius Moon: Amethyst is an anti- inflammatory because it relieves the nervous system with calming frequencies as it shuts off the analytical brain and tunes into the intuitive antennae.

Sabian Symbol: “A Tree Felled and Sawed to Ensure a Supply of Wood for the Winter.”
This beautiful circle of life speaks to how we can nurture something through life. Trees give us beauty, protection, oxygen as fuel for our needs. As it grows out of its use in this form, it can become paper for books or fuel for heat and then returns its energy as ash to the earth. If we develop awareness about everything we have, including ourselves, we realize that we may start off being useful in one way and grow in usefulness in another way. Look around, how can you prepare for the future with what you already own. How can you prepare your own usefulness to change for a different usefulness in the future?
Difficulty: Hoarding and destroying resources for personal use in fear that you won’t have enough. Not renewing the resources you destroy. Fear of loss that creates greed and desire for power to own more than others.

Every Full Moon brings emotional awareness to our hidden issues that require attention and action. Wherever 28 degrees of Leo and Aquarius is located in your chart shows where you become rebellious, inquisitive and question people about their ideas. It shows where you have problems to solve as well as people who may surprise you with inconsistencies and also where you can be aloof or self-centered. It shows where you will shine with your talents.

The Moon in our Charts represents how we nurture ourselves and others. It shows our instincts to save ourselves when threatened and how we respond to the feminine aspects of our lives. The Full Moon in Aquarius is rebellious because it follows the law of fairness versus man’s law, it supports the freedom to be unique ensuring that you will be treated with respect and equality. Aquarius energetically does not represent stability. Its very soul is being prepared for surprising events that are unforeseen. The Aquarius Moon re-energizes or is nurtured by being in groups of unique people working for the same mission. The Moon by nature is very emotional, nurturing and craves stability. Moon in Aquarius exhibits emotional friction as emotions are put aside to become more scientific and data oriented. Often the Aquarius Moon gets upset because of injustice but forgets to use its heart to connect intimately. It is often scared of emotional connections and pulls away to analyze the pros and cons. Anyone with a Moon in Aquarius understands this emotional detachment in relationships because the tendency is to avoid emotional chaos and start analyzing for solutions. This detachment is wonderful in work issues or emergencies and not so good with family and friends who need nurturing and compassion while going through problems.

Jupiter/Mars in Gemini is expanding all communications and technologies. Now is an opportune time to publish any projects, like a new business, book, hobby, anything unused idea can now be successfully launched. Saturn in Pisces wants you to attach your efforts to a charitable mission, so your talent is recognized for giving back. The Aquarius Moon inspires your uniqueness to update the outworn and avoid duplication. Be careful of pushiness or arrogance. Uranus is in the same position as 1941. Old worn-out conventional ideas need revision in every career path. Whatever was a stable lifestyle is now needing a new foundation. In your industry, how can you actualize your ideas and make money for your inventions.
Negatively, Jupiter and Mars together in Gemini can expand outbursts, lying, being mean, angry, purposely using false information to hurt others. In World history, countries are fighting against tyranny created by rich, powerful people who want to enslave others. Eventually the powerful become their own victims.

Ask yourself;
Where am I detached from close relationships? Where do I feel cold, aloof, or inflexible?
How can I feel safe by committing my emotional support of others when needed?
Respond: I am safe while committing to the needs of others. I do not take everything personally so I can easily emotionally support others.

What aggravates me and how can I become a part of the solution?
Respond: I love surprises and changes that make me stretch my limited viewpoint and develop new talents. I open my mind to seeing beyond common publicity and open to hearing all points of view.

When do you feel quirky or not in sync with the present conventional ideas or behaviors?
Respond: I find humor in my differences, and I love to present new points of view even though others may look at me funny or disagree. I enjoy being a change agent even though my ideas may not be the norm.

Where do I feel left out of groups but would love to be a team player?
Respond: I am easily accepted and liked while being part of a group or team. I easily accept the help of others and trust that they want to support me with kindness. I am easily friendly, honest, and supportive in group situations.

Aquarius/Leo health:
I easily attract the right information and healers to help me with my nervous system, heart and spine. My eyes grow and heart grow stronger, and my muscles enjoy freedom from cramping.

Those who have planets in Aquarius/ Leo/Scorpio and Taurus can expect to deal with frustrations that erupt from past events and past people who you thought were emotionally cleared! If you find yourself getting frustrated, impatient or challenged emotionally, prepare yourself ahead of time for people you must be with i.e., work, family or friends. Remember to employ the easiest calming technique, deep breathing before, during and after your communications.
The Leo Sun is beautiful, positive and loving. It can re-energize you back to your heart and health. Leo loves fun, parties, the beach, outings, anything in nature, all creative art forms. Do your favorite workouts to empower your heart and spine. Leo can change any ongoing frustration with positive thinking and action!

This is a great time for powerful and inspiring energy directed towards a goal. Use your passion to belong to groups who do amazing acts of kindness.
Get ready to publish any writings or ideas and enlist the help of those qualified to get your product into the public eye. The Aquarius Moon and Leo Sun combine their energies to release stressful emotions by creating inner lightness with relaxed fun and play. Just be your quirky artist within!

“It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before…to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin

Sherre Wellins

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